Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Connecting with customers through media brands

“Ink and paper are manufactured in factories, but magazine brands are manufactured in readers’ minds, one at a time,” says Raili Mäkinen, CEO of Sanoma Magazines-Finland.

When it comes to media planning, you can take that quote a step further and change “reader” to “customers.” I believe readers relate to content, but customers go beyond the reading material and connect to the media brand.

That why we apply our C.H.E.M. ® tool to media planning as well as to creative development. It means a media selection is made and a plan is powered by media brands with which customer finds connect with them, provide honest information, provide easy interaction, and motivate them.

In short, I’ve always believed media plans must analyze reach, frequency, AND impact. And perhaps more impact can be gained by a medium that is more relevant.

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