Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sharing "The Gratitude Campaign"

My mom forwards me lots of emails – jokes, political jabs, hoaxes, weather news, and occasional family gossip. But today she sent an important link – one I felt shared a cause worthy of your attention.

The story that accompanies the film is one I’m sure we can all relate to.

“For the past several years as I've been traveling around the country, I've been approaching soldiers in the airports and thanking them for serving for us. On several occasions I have noticed that it felt a little awkward for both of us. There are several reasons, some of which I am even just now learning as I produce this film and talk to more soldiers. But they have always appreciated being thanked, and I have always felt better having expressed my gratitude.”

As the film states, this is not about politics. We would say it’s about ETHOS.

When you’re shopping or traveling this holiday season, I'm sure you'll see lots of military men and women who deserve recognition. If you appreciate their service, give them a sign. Say "thank you."

(And if you’re moved to do so, share this with your friends and family.)

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