Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Creating Personal Brands

Many people ask me about how to create their “personal brands.” If you already have a passion for what you’re doing -- a passion for knowledge and experience – then you’re on the way.

In my journey of personal branding, here's what I've learned that might help you define the CHEMistry of your brand:

C = Connect by making what you do relevant to others You might be a "knowledge engineer" that can help take what people need/want to know and structure it into action. Who couldn't relate to that?

H = Honesty is being true to yourself and not trying to make your "brand" something that you really aren't.

E = Easy is memorable. Keep it simple, but don't try to water it down.

M = Motivate your audience to action. Knowledge and attitude are only the beginning. Remember the "call to action". What do you want to happen?

Best of luck with your personal brand. I'm sure with your energy you'll "fast-forward" your brand and your life in powerful ways.

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