Thursday, November 13, 2008

7 deadly sins of social networking – and how to avoid them using C.H.E.M.

It’s one thing to say you want to be “social,” but it’s quite another to commit yourself – to engage in a truly community exchange and contribute to the environment of trust.

Social-media expert Muhammad Saleem says you must avoid these pitfalls:
1. Don’t be a spammer. Seek out people who will be truly interested in what you have to say.
2. Don’t be a stranger. Social networking thrives on relationships — the more the better.
3. Don’t be noise. Once you have people’s attention, focus on adding value.
4. Don’t be lazy. You have to participate to get anything out of social networks. Don’t just build a profile and let it gather dust while you wait for people to notice. They won’t.
5. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your efforts. Seek out specialized social networks for advertisers and in the fields you serve.
6. Don’t be fake. Don’t pretend to be a satisfied user of a product, for example. When you’re found out, the backlash will far outstrip any short-term gain.
7. Don’t be selfish. Social networking is about the community, not about you. “You must contribute more than you want to get out of it,” Mr. Saleem says.

By applying our C.H.E.M. tool, our teams and our clients can connect with customers in honest ways, communicate easily, and motivate to action.

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