Friday, March 06, 2009

1 Memorable Brand Experience = 1 Memorable Brand

When the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 3-day conference was held last May, the Women’s Health Division of Wyeth decided they needed a way to refresh their brand image before attending.

They wanted a way to create traffic to their booth and generate interest in their products—some of which have been in the market place for 65 years.

They decided to emphasize their brand message of assisting women by making donations to a local charity, Rebuilding Together, a nonprofit company dedicated to building new homes for Gulf Coast families who had lost theirs in Hurricane Katrina. They promoted the donations in an interactive way, by showing attendees in-room hotel television advertising and direct mail and inviting them to adding their signatures to Wyeth’s Giving Circle, a 12-foot high plastic wall in the center of the company’s booth.

The plan worked by significantly increasing traffic to the booth from previous years and developing extremely high interest in the interactive exhibit—leading event attendees to rate the booth the most memorable installation at the conference.

For more information on event marketing and engaging the audience with an unforgettable brand experience read our white paper, Creating a Quality Brand Experience Through Event Marketing.

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