Monday, January 17, 2011

Why I'm writing a book about N-of-8

My objective in writing this new book is continue my personal commitment to documenting what has worked for me, then sharing it with current and future brand marketers who want to improve their craft and their results.

Since the publication of my first book, ForwardFast, I’ve benefited from many comments and suggestions.

So in this N-of-8 book, I’ve applied a similar conversational style to present a “workshop-in-print.”  And I’ve added a key-point summary at the end of each chapter, to lock in the main takeaways.

The book will share with you the meaning behind the visual and verbal pun that is N-of-8.  It may seem more like a license plate than a marketing theory. It simply defines how many in an ideal creative group and the purpose of the group.

You’ll learn the essentials of N-of-8. Specifically, you will see N-of-8 from a creative group perspective – and appreciate the difference between “brainstorming” and N-of-8.

Click here to download a free preview of the N-of-8 book.

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